Our philisophy
Feedelon was born out of a desire to promote beautiful and stylish emerging brands that protect people and the environment.
For Feedelon sustainability sums up to one word: “Help”.
We are Helping the environment.
We are Helping communities getting a sustainable income, promote and keeping a local know-how
We are Helping customers find the emerging brands with true sustainability values.
All Brands fit into at least one of the criteria below:

Our main goal is to curate and promote emerging brands customers at the edge are looking for
Feedelon was founded with the intention to curate and promote sustainable brands with the customers that believe in sustainability.
Feedelon name comes from “Fidelity” and “coupon”. We offer to all of our customers the opportunity to promote and support brands through our referral programme. Our programme is unique.
Also, core to our values, we realized the main problem for customers and brands into Sustainability was not only visibility and curation, but also the “Trust”.
Therefore, we introduce technology to ensure full transparency to the clients and full engagement to the brands.
Our main goal is to disrupt the high street fashion model to answer the customers need toward sustainable fashion: True transparency and Authenticity.